You, the billions and billions of MacApp® programmers Mike Rossetti Kevin Redden Ron Parsons Ed Navarrete Mike Lockwood Kurt Piersol Bob Hablutzel Larry Goldman Gordon Eastman Ingo Ciechowski Gary Campbell Eric Berdahl Pascal Belloncle G. Gordon Apple Ken Addison Kirk Austin Ed Anson Jens Alfke Other great people… (206) 252-6946 Eric Berdahl Bill Anderson MacApp Developers Association… Scott Wallace Larry Tesler Kurt Schmucker Larry Rosenstein Deb Orton David Goldsmith Ken Doyle Mary Boetcher Curt Bianchi Lifers… Dave Wilson Steve Strong Neil Rhodes Neal Goldstein Teachers… Mark Pontarelli David Lee Configuration Management… Christie Harslem Laurel Frishman Project Management… Tom Chavez Product Manager… Dan Strnad Bryan Stearns Kent Sandvik Keith Rollin Technical support… John Schmidli John Perry Gary McCue Gary Hillerson Bill Harris Cheryl Chambers Dave Bice Writers… Karen Carpenter Cyndie Becht Area Associates… Ameet Zaveri Steve Weyl Perry Gregg Steve Friedrich Managers… Leon Venter David Stafford Richard Kimberly Bernadette Jolicoeur Quality Engineers… Robin Mair Engineer and tennis instructor… Richard Rodseth Lonnie Millett Chris Knepper Mike Burbidge Greg Anderson Engineers… The great people behind MacApp® 3.0.1…